Center Green & NP2 HOA's Financial Responsibility
- NP2 HOA's Financial Responsibility
The vast majority, approximately 64%, of NP2 HOA's financial responsibility is to Center Green. The other NP2 HOA expenses are for insurance, web site, postage, office supplies and increasing the reserve.
- Center Green
Center Green is the legal entity created by the City of Boulder and some of the original developers of the Kings Ridge area. The offical name is "Center Green Heights Park HOA", but for simplicity we call it Center Green.
Center Green is responsible for maintenance of the Kings Ridge median from 47th street down to, but not including, the circle intersection with Franklin. (That circle is maintained by the Noble Park HOA.) And Center Green is responsible for the park North of Kings Ridge (shown in the map below).
Center Green has two members - the Apple Green HOA and the Noble Park 2 HOA. Each HOA has an equal vote in deciding on the Center Green budget and maintenance priorities.
The Center Green expenses are split between the two HOAs in proportion to the number of home in the HOA. With 54 homes out of a combined total of 86, Noble Park 2 is responsible for 63% of the Center Green expenses.
The major expenses that Center Green has are: irrigation system repairs, landscaping service, water, tree work & pruning, and maintaining a reserve. Some of the key challenges in maintaining the median and park are: protecting the pine trees from the pine beetle attacks; protecting the ash trees from the emerald ash borer; repairing the 20 year old sprinkler system; and maintaining previously-neglected older trees in the medians, park and along the city bike path.